How would you use our land?
As the Rejoice community seeks to serve our neighbors and help create a community that gets everyone a little closer to being known and loved by those around them, we came to the realization that our land is one of our biggest and most underutilized resources. So our question is simple: what would get you out of your home and building community? To ask the question another way: What do you not have access to that makes you want to move?
Please put one or many ideas below, all ideas are welcome as we dream together about how we might all know our neighbors a little better.
Land Use Form
A bit about this project: We have no idea what we’ll be doing just yet, that’s why we’re asking you! But we hope to use our land for something other than a prairie dog habitat (we plan to re-home them as we move forward). Specifically, we want our resources to build community, spiritual or not. We have dreams that everyone in our neighborhood would know they are welcome at Rejoice, if worship or bible study isn’t of interest to you, we’d love it if you used our land for whatever helps you build community with no expectation or pressure that you show up on Sunday mornings. We have some ideas: soccer fields or basketball courts, coffee shops or a pizzeria, community gardens and composting services, a yoga studio or a makers space. But what matters most is that our space is used for people to connect with one another, so give us all your ideas - things that would get you out and about, and we’ll go from there!