There are many ways to be involved at Rejoice! Our office manager, Leslee, can help you find the right opportunity for you!

Living as the Body of Christ

Living as the Body of Christ is a class designed to help us all live out our faith everyday. Using the Strengths Finder assessment, biblical stories, and some holy experimentation this course will help you notice where God is moving in your life and join in using your unique gifts! Over the course of seven weeks we will engage with our strengths and reflect together on how we're shining God's love and grace in the world.

This class meets at Rejoice Lutheran Church from 7-8:15 PM on Wednesday evenings from September 25th through November 6th. Please plan to attend as many sessions as possible, if know you need to miss more than two classes this might not the best time for you to commit to this course.

Please take the Strengths Finders Assessment before our first meeting on September 25th. You can find the assessment here. We will only be discussing our top 5, so no need to take the full 34 quiz unless that's interesting to you personally. Please contact Pastor Lindsay for financial assistance taking the quiz. 

Worship Volunteer Opportunities

Each worship service involves many different people. We can always use acolytes, readers, greeters, altar guild helpers, and assisting ministers. Talk with Leslee to learn more about each role!

Congregational Volunteer Opportunities

Here at Rejoice our congregation joins hands to help around the church. Music, baking, landscaping, and gardening are just a few examples of how our members contribute. Come and share your talents and help enrich our community. To learn more contact our office.

We love to have fun at Rejoice! Telescope outings, bike rides, devotions with brews, and even a summer concert series. There are a lot of wonderful opportunities to socialize and get to know more folks in our community. Keep an eye on our Home page and weekly announcement emails for upcoming events.

Social Events

Small Groups

Passionate Inclusion at Rejoice means we make a place for everyone. We currently have four different small groups that meet monthly to support one another. One group are all parents of young children, another bikers, a third are folks with adult kids exploring this new phase of life, and the forth simply meets for coffee. Please contact Pastor Lindsay if you’re ready to commit to joining one of these intentional communities, or even if you have an idea for a new one!