We don’t live separate from the world – we live within it, in all of its struggles, beauty, messiness, and realities. How we care for our world, our environment, the people in our lives and the people we don’t yet know, reflects God’s love by making us instruments of God’s grace.
Our mission is to fortify all to live as children of God, and we welcome the opportunity to “Breathe New Life” through our gifts of time and financial contributions.
Both spiritual and financial giving sustains the living body of our church so that we can offer a safe space for worship, reach out to care for our community and our world, and lift up those who are in need through prayer, resources and support.
We invite you to join our community and ask that you prayerfully contribute your time, talents and financial support in any and all ways that that will sustain us as a community of faith, with hope and love at our core. Whether you’re giving your time and talents, raising your voice in song, or contributing financially, we thank you for your generosity and support of the work of our community.
Give securely online through a check or credit card, and as a one-time or recurring gift.
Each worship service includes a time of prayer and thankfulness for our blessings, with an opportunity to give as we pass the offering plate.
Rejoice Lutheran Church
3413 Lowell Lane
Erie, CO 80516
We accept gifts of property, assets, and bequests. To share your plans and hopes for these gifts, please contact the office to discuss ahead of time.
Phone: (303)-828-3953
We’re delighted to be community partners with King Soopers! When folks link their shopper cards with our community partner number we recieve a small percentage of the profits from your groceries to support our work to fortify all to live as children of God!
If you would like to link your card to Rejoice, follow these steps:
Go to and sign into your account. If you don’t have an online account, hit create an account button.
Once signed in go to My Account (left-hand side of your screen)
Click on profile - from here you can update your account information and add any physical Sooper card numbers you may use. You can also add your phone number which can be used as an alternate ID when checking out.
After your account information is updated click on this link:
Scroll down and click Link your Card to an Organization
Search for Our Non Profit Organizational (NPO) number is: QR880
Find Rejoice Lutheran Church and click Enroll.
Use your Sooper card number every time you shop at King Soopers.
Email Leslee at if you have any questions.